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Battery voltage and Temp channels in AT3 module


Total Posts: 523

Joined 2012-11-15


Hi to all,

Does Anyone have informations about the temperature and battery voltage analog channel source that are available in sensRcore mode for AT3 modules?

I opened up those channels but I can't understand the information they carry out.

temperature sensor where is? I receive 0,1 what does it means?
and from battery voltage? someone can help me to understand?

thanks in advance      

Total Posts: 213

Joined 2011-05-02



Please take a look at the SensRcore Messaging and Usage document available in the Developer's Zone:


Section 6, page 16 has a table that has the information you are looking for. This table provides details on how to decode the Payload of the messages you are receiving.

Best Regards,


Total Posts: 523

Joined 2012-11-15


Hi rizopoulos,

thanks for your reply. I didn't notice that table.

Once question still remains about the battery voltage channel.

Is it the voltage you have at Vcc pin of ant module? and how it is done the A/D conversion?
I mean, generally you take the hex VALUE coming in a packet and apply the following

V = VALUE * Vref/(0xFFFF)

but in this case what is Vref? is it Vcc? so I should always read V=Vref=Vcc?      

Total Posts: 213

Joined 2011-05-02



Section 4.1.5 of the SensRcore Messaging and Usage Document outlines how VRef can be picked. The document is available here:


The internal reference voltage, VRef, of 1.5V is the default for temperature and battery voltage measurements. The internal reference voltages (1.5V and 2.5V) are regulated so they will be consistent provided battery voltage exceeds those values. If analog signals exceed the battery voltage, saturation will occur in the data. The other option is to use Vcc as a reference, however, Vcc could change with time depending on the Hardware Setup.
