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MSP430 controlled Relay problems using th Main Demo 2 reference code


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2011-02-22


So I realize that this is more of a Texas Instruments problem rather than an ANT problem, but I figured that I would probably have more luck here since the code was written by ANT. The issue seems to be an inability for a DIP MSP430F2013 to retain the program information of the Main Demo 2 reference code that is used to setup a test relay system. The code loads onto an EZMSP430F2013, and after powerup works fine after the MCU is reset by grounding out pin 10. Using this method, we are able to create a standalone battery operated relay. While using the same model chip in DIP form, the program only functions while connected to the computer via a programmer(TI Launchpad) and while running in debug mode on IAR Kickstart. As soon as power is removed from the device, it will no longer function, even with the pin 10 reset.

Has anyone encountered this problem before? I have tried doing everything that I can think of, but this chip will not run that code unless in debug mode.      

Total Posts: 55

Joined 2008-10-24


You are right – this is a TI question.
There is probably a setting in IAR Kickstart which specifies whether to write to flash or not.
Or maybe you have an evaluation version that erases the flash on close.Please ask TI.      

Total Posts: 1

Joined 2011-02-22


Thanks-- It turns out there was a circuitry problem that prevented the MSP from starting up properly.