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Speed/cadence sensor, how does it transmit values?


Total Posts: 523

Joined 2012-11-15


Dear ants!

Before joining the alliance, i want to know that it would work with my application. I need to know how the values are transmitted.

When riding my bike with a Edge500, like any other cyclocomputer, the values are smoothed out. It doesn't update the speed/cadence every time the magnet passes the sensor.

Is it the computer or the sensor that does this smoothing? I need the "raw" speed, updated every time the magnet passes. I might also need even faster speed updates, achievable by putting more than one magnet on the wheel. How quick can Ant+ update?


Total Posts: 213

Joined 2011-05-02



In order to get details on ANT+ device profiles, you must become an ANT+ Adopter, it is free, and the link is found here:


ANT+ transmits at a 4Hz rate and the device profiles dictate what information is sent and when. The manufacturer chooses what to do with the data when it's transmitted, so data could be updated every time a magnet passes in your implementation if that's how you want to design it.

I strongly encourage becoming an ANT+ Adopter if you're considering becoming a member of the ANT+ Alliance.



Total Posts: 9

Joined 2008-10-21


The message content of the bike speed and cadence sensors consists of an event count and an event timestamp.

Every rotation event causes the message buffer to be updated with the new event data. With an ~4Hz broadcast rate, the sensors generally can report every incremental event up to 240 RPM.

As Kassy mentioned you don't need to be an ANT+ member to gain access to the device profiles - just join as an Adopter. This will also give you access to our ANT+ Simulator that will let you see the raw messages coming off of your sensor.
