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UnassignChannel Problems


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2008-11-02


I'm having difficulties unassigning a channel after setting it up to do a device search. I first set up the channel with ANT+ specifics to do a search with an infinite search timeout. I then find the device in question and then try to unassign the channel to recreate it with the device specific data (like period). The problem is I get a CHANNEL_IN_WRONG_STATE back from the AP2. Shouldn't I be able to unassign a channel at any point? If not, what state(s) can I unassign a channel. Also, I tried to reassign the channel but that doesn't seem to work appears to leave the AP2 in a dual state for that channel.

Matt Bauer      

Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


In order to be able to unassign a channel, it needs to be closed first. Note that most of the parameters of an ANT channel, like the channel period, can be changed on the fly, while a channel is open.

Have you looked at the background scanning channel functionality of the AP2? This might suit your needs better. There is more information on this feature on "AN11 ANT Channel Search and Background Scanning Channel", at the DevZone.