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Using ANT+ in Adobe Flash / Air


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2014-05-14


Hello there,

I'm doing a graduation project for school at the moment and would like to use the ANT+ technology. The project I'm doing is about an Indoor Cycling App, made in Adobe Flash for Android and iOS. I need to get heart rate and speed values from the user somehow. I read that you can do this with ANT+.

I'm an (advanced) Flash AS3 game developer, but totaly new to getting values like a heart rate from hardware. I've these questions:

* Does anybody know a (easy) way to get heart rate / speed values to use with an Adobe Air application?
* Did anybody use ANT+ in Adobe Flash yet?
* Is a heart rate / speed meter with the ANT+ technology enough for the development and testting of the application?

I hope the ANT+ community can help me out with this issue. That would be fantastic for me and all the other Flash developers which would like to use ANT+!

Kind regards,

Ingmar Kramer