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Watch Downloader -Get More info about the device?


Total Posts: 3

Joined 2015-01-23



Is there a way to get the friendly name and if there is any data to download from the watch that I am connecting to via the AntPlusWatchDownloaderPcc.requestDeviceListAccess -> onNewAvailableDeviceList ?

The DeviceInfo(s) returned only contains Name and UUID of the watch being connected to, Where the name is along the lines of "FR610-61049" and UUID is the session id of the watch

If I use the PC_HOST I see the search response contain a friendly name and data available fields

SW Version: AML1.300
Library version: AKX0.309
Open Success
Found remote device.
Friendly Name: Forerunner 610
ANT Device Number: 61049
Device ID: 3890343545 Manufacturer ID: 1
Device Type: 1345
Authentication Type: 3
Device has new data.
Device is in Pairing Mode.
Device does not have upload enabled.

