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Device Type on Mobile Phones


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2015-04-08



I'm trying to send sensor values from my phone to the Garmin 510 Edge but the Edge cannot find the channel that I've opened for pairing. I believe this is simply because I cannot find the correct Device Type value for the channel. Currently I'm setting it to 0x0B (11) which is what I'm given from the ANT+ DeviceType.BIKE_POWER.getIntValue(). Is there any documentation anywhere which gives formal definitions for each of the different device types?

Edit: Fixed a typo

Second Edit: I seem to be using the correct values after looking through the Bike Power documentation on the ANT+ Adopters page. What appears to be giving me trouble now is the Network Key. The only PredefinedNetworks available to me are the public, ant_fs, and invalid networks. Also, the only key shown for the ANT+ network is the 8-byte key.

Can someone point me to the 16-byte key (I've searched what feels like everywhere) or how to correctly set the predefined network?
