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What is the basic sequence for configuring an ANT channel?


Total Posts: 140

Joined 2008-12-09


When developing a PC application interfacing to ANT, the basic sequence to configure an ANT channel is:

1. Set the network key.

ANT_SetNetworkKey(ANT_NETWORK, aucNetworkKey);

2. Assign the channel

ANT_AssignChannel(ANT_CHANNEL, ucChannelType, ANT_NETWORK);

3. Set the channel ID

ANT_SetChannelId(ANT_CHANNEL, usDeviceID, ucDeviceType, ucTxType);

4. Set the message period

ANT_SetChannelPeriod(ANT_CHANNEL, usMessagePeriod);

5. Set the RF frequency

ANT_SetChannelRFFreq(ANT_CHANNEL, ucRFFreq);

6. Open the channel


The application must make sure that each command was successful before proceeding to the next step. You may also set the transmit power and slave timeout, however these are optional (as is RF frequency and message rate).      


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