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Multiple searchs timeout stack up


Total Posts: 13

Joined 2015-01-12



I'm using a N548 module and want to search on multiple channels of the same network (ANT+).
I have the first channel with an infinite timeout and the second channel with a finite timeout. The second channel will never timeout unless the first channel get closed or found a device.

According to the AN15 chapter 4.5.2, the timeout stack up only for channels of different network, so why did it happens to my case ?

Thanks for the help.      

Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


How many channels are you using? Are the channels on the same radio frequency as well?
Could you provide more details on your full channel configuration sequence?      

Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


Also, there is an error in the app note. While searches on the same radio frequency and network can take place in parallel, the timeouts will always stack up.

So, in your example, if you open your first channel with infinite timeout, and a second channel with a finite timeout, and there is no device matching the first search, but there is one matching the second search, the device will be acquired, without needing to close the first search.      

Total Posts: 13

Joined 2015-01-12


Thank you for those information. I think i will need to do my own timeout.