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FITSDK Changes


Total Posts: 34

Joined 2013-01-28


Hi all,

The FITSDK has been targeting .NET 3.5 for what seems like forever and it's time for us to get with the times (Especially since .NET 4.5.1 is going end of life this month). We plan on targeting the .NET 4.6 Runtime and changing all project solutions to use VS2013. This means we hope to also start taking advantage of some of the features in 4+. In doing so, we hope to improve the SDK's for all of our customers.

We will also be changing our C++ code to target C++ 11. This allows us to make use of some newer features than the currently targeted C++03 standard in VS2008.

If you have any queries or complaints please leave feedback, else we will assume everyone is ok with these changes.
