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How to create reception frame in Android code


Total Posts: 22

Joined 2015-01-28


I am using Android Library,

We have ChannelInfo class and broadcastData byte is member of that class.which define transmission/reception frame.
because of which i am receiving incorrect data when i am transmitting data and when reception is on.
i received transmitted data.

how can set seperate buffer for transmission and reception.
can i just add new byte array and add to updatedata function in ChannelController.

What changes we need to successfully transmission and reception on seperate byte frame/array.

And i didn't understand ChannelBroadcastListener. it is using for both transmission and reception.

Please guide for my problem.


Total Posts: 22

Joined 2015-01-28


I got the solution as

new receiveData byte frame i have added in ChannelInfo class.
and at the then updataData function in ChannelController i have assigned data to new receivedData[] frame.
now, their is no issue when both transmission and receiption goes at a time.      

Total Posts: 2

Joined 2019-01-09


Below is the id attribute’s example with explanation included in which we define the id for Frame Layout.

<FrameLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"

try this code for creating frame
for more details visit:


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