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ANT+ Unity3D Android


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2016-09-23


Hi there, my company is working together with a fitness-bike manufacturer who use ANT+ in their devices to send data about the cycling frequency. We would like to use this ANT+ Data inside an Unity3D App to show visuals depending on your cycling speed. There's a plugin on the asset store for PC builds called "ANT+ FOR UNITY" but this is only for PC. We'd like to be able to connect to Samsung Android devices.
Anyone has an idea how to start with that? We're all unity developers and have no idea how to create a plugin like this...


Total Posts: 745

Joined 2012-09-14


I'm not sure about Unity on Android, but there is an Android Plugin suite called the "ANT+ Plugins" which you can use to gain access to sensor data in Java on Android. You can find a link to the SDK here.

This seems like a useful post to start from for integrating a .jar into your project.