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Using ANT on Emulator problem


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2016-08-13



My setup is as follows, I have an ANT usb stick, when I use my phone to run my created Android application it creates the master channel succesfully and starts broadcasting its messages, I can see this working properly with the ANTWARE 2 program on my PC. But once I try to do this from an Emulator it always gives a reasonCode: NETWORK_NOT_AVAILABLE or NO_ADAPTERS_EXIST.

Most of my code comes from the Sample projects in the SDK, so I guess the emulator is in some way to blame.
The emulator bridge tool connects properly, also ANT is enabled if I ask this on the ANT SDK. My emulator runs on API level 19. I've also noticed that when calling the `getNumChannelsAvailable()` method that it returns 8 at first and after that zero. (2 + N calls). Perhaps noteworthy is that I was able to do a Backgroundscan on the emulator but I also couldn't open the channel. The ANTSupportChecker application crashes on any emulator I tried, probably because there's no real ANT hardware?

My end goal is to open a channel on my real phone and send data to my PC with the ANT stick and retrieve the data in the Emulator with another application I created. I'm basically faking a sensor from my phone for now.

I hope someone has a solution or understanding what is going on smile
