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Help with connecting ANT-Arduino


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2024-02-07


I have a GARMIN device that can read data via ANT+ from different bike sensors (photo of this sensor in attachments).
Also I have Seeed Xiao BLE nRF52840 and I trying to understand how can I send information via ANT+ using ANTPLUS-Arduino library. There's example in documentation where shown how can I make heart rate monitor. I tried to just copy this code, and it's even works and writes "Sending DataPage: ...", but GARMIN device cannot find my nRF52840.
Can you just explain me what I did wrong. Maybe you have code that I can use to connect to this GARMIN-display via ANT+?      

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Total Posts: 1

Joined 2024-05-14


Vint1k - 08 February 2024 09:49 AM
undertale yellow
I have a GARMIN device that can read data via ANT+ from different bike sensors (photo of this sensor in attachments).
Also I have Seeed Xiao BLE nRF52840 and I trying to understand how can I send information via ANT+ using ANTPLUS-Arduino library. There's example in documentation where shown how can I make heart rate monitor. I tried to just copy this code, and it's even works and writes "Sending DataPage: ...", but GARMIN device cannot find my nRF52840.
Can you just explain me what I did wrong. Maybe you have code that I can use to connect to this GARMIN-display via ANT+?

I think you should check ANT+ configuration. Double-check that your ANT+ configuration is correctly set up. This includes ensuring that the ANT+ channel parameters (such as channel type, frequency, network key) match between your Garmin device and the nRF52840.