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ANT_OpenChannel with AP2 MODULE


Total Posts: 523

Joined 2012-11-15


I am trying AP2 module to replace the module ANT11. The AP2 module answers me to the sequence ANT_AssignChannel(), ANT_SetChannelID() and the ANT_SetChannelPeriod() messages but it does not answer me the command to open the channel (ANT_OpenChannel() message).
To what can it be due?
They are both compatible modules or I have to do some modification in the code?
Thank you very much.      

Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09



The modules are compatible, and the sequence of commands you send should work in both modules without modification. Do you see this problem every time you try to configure the channel, including after a system reset? Do you receive any serial messages after this (e.g. broadcast messages or channel events, either from this or other channels)? If you request a message (for example, the channel status), do you receive a reply?      

Total Posts: 8

Joined 2023-01-06


You can also provide the sequence of commands you made?
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Total Posts: 7

Joined 2023-04-04


It is possible that the AP2 module requires some modifications in the code in order to properly execute the ANT_OpenChannel() message. Here are some potential causes and solutions:

Verify compatibility: Ensure that the AP2 module is fully compatible with the commands and messages being sent. Check the documentation to see if there are any differences in the command syntax or message format between the two modules.interior painting contractor near me

Check firmware versions: Verify that both the AP2 and ANT11 modules have the latest firmware versions installed. If they are not up to date, try updating the firmware and testing again.

Check wiring: Verify that the wiring between the AP2 module and the device is correct and secure. Make sure that the connections are not loose and that there are no shorts or breaks in the wires.

Check power supply: Verify that the AP2 module is receiving adequate power. Check the voltage and current of the power supply and ensure that it meets the requirements of the module.

Modify code: If none of the above solutions work, it may be necessary to modify the code to accommodate the AP2 module. Check the documentation and sample code provided by the manufacturer and see if there are any specific requirements for the AP2 module.

If you are still unable to resolve the issue, you may need to contact the manufacturer for further assistance.