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N5 Starter Module USB not Recognised


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2014-08-25


Have an N5 Starter Kit.

Down loaded various Software per sequence in Manual.

Module mounted on USB board, is not recognized by software upon being plugged into USB port on PC.

All Software was downloaded into one folder and then unzipped.

Is there something that has been misunderstood by my self, and another better qualified programmer.
Can a path for all the various software be described.

Also how do I look at Sample source code that would be loaded on to a phone/tablet and the companion
software that would reside on the remote chip set. Different applications would be helpful.

Thanks for the help.



Total Posts: 156

Joined 2013-01-07


Hi Ron,

Could you verify that the module you mounted on the USB board is loaded with an ANT SoftDevice (s210 or s310), and also with the corresponding Network Processor program (ant_network_processor_s210.hex or ant_network_processor_S310.hex). The N5 starter kit user manual explains how to load softdevices and applications on to the N5 modules using the nRFGo Studio application.

The downloads in the Android API section (http://www.thisisant.com/developer/resources/downloads/#software_tab) contain the source code for ANT Android apps.

Nordic also offers an array of apps which you might find useful with the N5 module:(https://www.nordicsemi.com/Products/nRFready-Demo-APPS)


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2014-08-25



Thanks for responding

Cannot check chip; as it is not recognized by PC when plugged into a USB port on the PC