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ANT heart rate belt in ANT+Sport


Total Posts: 523

Joined 2012-11-15


I had a suunto sport watch and heart rate belt marked as ANT compatible. I want to use this heart rate belt with Garmin Edge 500 which marked ANT+Sport but I failed. How could I make both Suunto and Garmin receive my heart rate from same heart rate belt? Thanks!!      

Total Posts: 95

Joined 2010-05-03



Unfortunately, it is not possible for Garmin Edge 500 to receive from the heart rate belt because it is not an ANT+.

If you would like to check which devices Garmin Edge 500 is compatible with, go to http://www.thisisant.com website and click on "ANT+" link. Then click on "Product Directory" link and it should direct you to a page where you can check which devices a specific ANT+ device is compatible with.      

Total Posts: 523

Joined 2012-11-15


It seems like my Sunnto T3C has an ANT+ HR belt and thus should be ok to pair with a Garmin Edge 705. But I dint find Suunto products in the directory mentioned in the previous post. How can I be sure? I have invested in Suunto products over the years and dont want to throw it all away. But I also want the additional functions provided by Garmin. Please advice!


Total Posts: 95

Joined 2010-05-03


Hi Ralph,

Are you sure that you see the "ANT+" logo on your Sunnto HR belt, or is it just the "ANT" logo?

Sunnto uses "ANT" technology; however, their HR belts are currently not "ANT+" compatible. As a result, ANT+ devices can't receive from Sunnto products!      

Total Posts: 523

Joined 2012-11-15


I've got a Garmin HR belt that came with the 705. It has the ANT+ logo. Just tried it with the Golden Cheetah real time with the Garmin ANT stick. The power reading was fine but either my HR was low or there is something wrong with the pick up or maths in the GC analysis software. Anyone else tried this?

I'll try again tomorrow with the 705 and GC in parallel (if it will all pair up like that, to multiple receivers - I guess I'll find that out too).

Cheers Robert      

Total Posts: 39

Joined 2011-06-29


I have not tried the Golden Cheetah software so I cannot confirm it works properly, but I do know that it takes my Garmin heart rate monitor a few minutes to "warm up" so to speak. This is because the electrodes need to be wet to create a strong connection. After some running my sweat makes the required connection and everything works fine.      

Total Posts: 523

Joined 2012-11-15


hi guys,

i have a SE Xperia Arc phone and am looking to buy a Ant+ heart rate belt for it. the Garmin ones seem to be cheapest but will any ant+ one work as some a labelled for specific watches only but still have ant+ logo.

any info / help would be appreciated as i really don't want to waste any money.


Total Posts: 296

Joined 0


I've written PC software as well that can pick up Garmin ANT hr strap data using an ANT USB stick.

And I've noticed that the transmission is unsteady, lot's of drop outs. The distance hr strap <-> ANT stick shouldn't exceed approx. 1 meter.
So the ultimate solution might be an USB extension cable wink

Perhaps you'd say "but my Garmin xyz picks up HR smoothly!!!".
I'd respond: "Who tellya dat??"
The Garmin gives you the impression of a non-interrupted hr display. But I'd bet that they swindle and wave the white flag no sooner than after almost 10 seconds of communication dropout. You can easily try it out.
