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Changing Frequency Of An Open Channel


Total Posts: 7

Joined 2013-09-23


I have a requirement I am trying to meet, and would like to see if anyone knows if this is possible ( and if they know how ).

After pairing a device to an android phone, the requirement states that I need to change frequencies on the currently open channel after which the balance of the comms occur.

ie: pair at 8 khz, set freq to 56 and do some handshaking. If the handshaking is acceptable to the device the frequency is changed to a different one for the rest of the data transactions.

I just want to know in case this is not achievable, and it if is at what point in the comms cycle it is safe to change.



Total Posts: 129

Joined 2010-11-30


Yes this is possible, and it is safe to change at any time. If you are modifying an open channel, then the frequency change will occur before the next RF event.      

Total Posts: 2

Joined 2013-05-20



I have similar question about changing Channel Id when continuous RX background scan mode is open. I need to collect messages that match specified device type. I am using wildcards for device number and transmission type. Device type needs to be changed after several seconds of scanning. Is it possible without closing and reopening?

Thanks in advance


I have found the solution. It is possible as I thought. I found a bug in my code that sets channel id for channel 1 instead of channel 0.


Total Posts: 129

Joined 2010-11-30


Please note the difference between 'background scanning' and 'continuous scanning'. The functionality used here is 'background scanning' and a 'continuous scan' is not supported on mobiles as it would block the ANT radio being used for anything else (and use a lot of power).

This has been corrected above.      

Total Posts: 2

Joined 2013-05-20


Oh, I did not notice this is 'ANT in Mobile Phones' forum, I am sorry about that. I have found this thread by 'Search' engine. Although I should rather write in 'general questions' I hope it is still useful information for other users that dynamic change of continuous (or background) scanning parameters like channel id is possible.

In fact I use ANT module as part of our project so we can use 'continuous' scanning mode. Module we use supports this feature. Well, I know the 'cons' of continuous scanning but it is still meeting our requirements for receiver and makes some things easier to implement than background scanning.
