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Total Posts: 122

Joined 2010-10-25


I have just realised that the setSearchTimeout is only allowing a max low priority search of 25s rather than the max the hardware is capable of e.g. 10+ minuets. Is there any way I can set this max hardware value? What is the reasoning for this?

With the old API's my setup was to do an initial search with a relatively small timeout of about 30s then on a successful connection I set the timeout to the max non infinite option. Moving over to the new channel APIs I went with a specific 25s initially then set to MAX assuming that that was the hardware max as before.

Total Posts: 129

Joined 2010-11-30


Hi ifor,

The search timeout is limited to 25s to limit interference with other channels. Depending on the search configuration of 2 searches (ie. different networks), then they may not be able to run at the same time and thus will be blocked/queued. You can have your apps search continue for as long as you require by reopening the channel on a search timeout event, noting that if there is a competing search this will get a chance to run first.      

Total Posts: 122

Joined 2010-10-25


OK thanks for the explanation. I understand the reasoning now. I may go and lower the timeout then and put my own retry wrapper in place.
