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Burst failure rate


Total Posts: 523

Joined 2012-11-15



I am having a serious reliability issue when sending acknowledged packets/bursts. I have a system running at 1.95V that is merely looping to send burst packets one after the other. If my ANT device is placed next to an ANT dongle(half a foot away), the dongle would receive a series of bursts interleaved with periodic one second pauses(errors) in between if viewed with ANTware. If I place the device directly on top of the dongle, there are rarely any errors. Furthermore, if our device is oriented incorrectly, we obtain even more errors when viewed with ANTware.

This appears to be a problem with our antenna, but we have tuned our antenna to find that we are able to get broadcasts up to 15m long. It appears that the bursts are failing at an alarming rate when it is merely an inch away.

From your experience, do you think it still has to do with the tuning of our antenna, noise on our board because it is being run at 1.95V, or there is something wrong with our firmware such that I am not correctly sending these burst packets.

Thanks in advance,

Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


This does sound like an electrical/RF issue. I would recommend contacting Nordic Semiconductor for further assistance with this