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Pairing with multiple sensors in range


Total Posts: 523

Joined 2012-11-15


I would like some help with pairing ANT device. I have the follow setup:

1x USB dongle setup as a Slave
2x Temp sensor setup as masters.

Both using the nRF24AP1 chip.

The PC application does not know the temp sensor channel id information.

How can I pair both devices?

If I open a channel with everything set up as wild cards, it will be a first in first serve pairing between the master/slave?

If one temp sensor pairs, and then I open a second channel for the other temp sensor, what is stopping the 1st sensor pairing again on the second channel?

Can I scan and see a list of ALL devices broadcasting on a given channel when using the wild cards, then i can choose what one to pair with?

Let me know if you need any more information.



Total Posts: 116

Joined 2008-11-21


Using an AP1, your pairing options are the basic wildcard search, pairing bit, or using a search list. All of these are explained in detail in the "Device Pairing" application note found in the Devzone. If you have not already registered for the devzone, do so now and then download the application note.

Yes, it will be a first in, first serve pairing with the master -> when the slave channel is opened (say on channel 0) and performs a wildcard search - it will establish a channel with the first matching master. there is no way to know which master it will pair with, unless you pair each in isolation.

Once you have that channel established (channel 0) and open a second channel (channel 1) with the same wildcard search it will not find the master that is associated with channel 0, it will only look for a different matching master. This is handled seamlessly by the ANT protocol.

Once a channel is established you can use a requested response message to obtain the channel ID of the device you are connected to.

You can search for multiple devices and select the one you want -> refer to search lists in the device pairing application note.