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ANT11TS33M41B Programming question


Total Posts: 523

Joined 2012-11-15



Whatâ??s the standard method/hardware connection for programming the ANT11TS33M41B?

Iâ??ve already got experience with programming the ANT11TS33M51B using the USB ANT Dev Board Rev1. However for production purposes Iâ??ll be using ANT11TS33M41B and hence need either a complimentary programmer, or information on how to program using a custom made bed of nails> i.e. pinouts.

Many Thanks
Stephen Linton      

Total Posts: 55

Joined 2008-10-24


As the ANT host, you can choose PC or microcontroller to communicate with ANT11TS33M41B;depending on what product are you plan to design.
If you plan to develop ANT display device or ANT sensor, there are many ULP MCUs can be chosen such as MPS430.The document of "ANT AT3 Module Datasheet" and "Interfacing with ANT General Purpose" give you very useful examples for the hardware design;
these files can be downloading from our website http://www.thisisant.com/pages/products/at3-modules

I do not understand what the bed of nails means here; are you plan
to build manufacturing test jig or something else?