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Ant Pairing


Total Posts: 1

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I got some issues with ant at3

1. I can't find the timing requirement for the power supply cycle and also for hardware/software reset. I need to know these so I can turn ANT into the correct initial state.

2. I'm using Shared Channel. After I initialize both the master (Channel Type 0x30) and slave (Channel Type 0x20, Device Number 0x00, 0x00, Device Type 0x00 and Transmission Type 0x03) but before any data transmission, the slave is outputting the following message:

A4 09 4E 00 00 00 68 10 8B 40 00 11 41

3. Right now I configured ANT using 2-byte address. This is what they called Transmission Type 0x03. How can I set Transmission Type the shared slave address just takes 1-byte? So I can transmit one more byte in every packet.


Total Posts: 213

Joined 2011-05-02



1. If you look at the reference code in the ANT Library Windows Package, the time to wait for the power supply cycle/hardware and software reset is 500 ms. In later parts, such as the AP2, there is a Startup message that notifies when the reset is successful.

2. I'm not quite sure what it is you're asking for here. Would you mind providing more detail so I may assist you on this matter?

3. AT3 does not support a 1 byte shared address, however newer parts, such as the AP2 do support a 1 byte shared address. Please refer to this forum post for more information:


I hope this helps you!


Total Posts: 1

Joined 0


Thanks for the replay

I initialized two ANT as master and slave, I constantly receiving a message on the slave side without sending any messages from the master side, shouldn't the master transmit nothing until I define my message?

Why when I transmit a message from the master, the message keep on repeating over and over, the same message, why?



Total Posts: 213

Joined 2011-05-02



If an ANT node is configured as a master, it will begin to send Broadcast messages indefinitely as soon as the channel is open, regardless of whether there is useful information in the transmit message buffer. It will continue to send the same message in the buffer until you explicitly tell it to send a different message at the application level.

I hope this answers your question,

Best regards,
