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using ANT+ Display Simulator V1.600


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2010-06-21


We are using ANT+ Display Simulator Source (v1.600) to receive data over ANT+ devices like Garmin Pedometer, AnD Weighing Scale etc.
I am using Garmin ANT USB Stick to receive data.

When we use ANT+ Display Simulator along with ANT+ Sensor Simulator (both v1.600), we are able to get data on NT+ Display Simulator sent by ANT+ sensor Simulator. (WE are using ANTPLUS_NETWORK_KEY as { 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 }. Rest of code unchanged).

But same ANT+ Display Simulator can not receive any data from actual device like pedometer etc. Unanswered Question is WHY IS IT NOT ABLE TO RECEIVE DATA?

We also have installer "ANT+ Simulator v1.5.1.msi" which install ANT+ display Simulator.exe (which is v1.5.1), when I ran this, it is able to get from Garmin Pedometer.

My observation is, v1.5.1 display Simulator is not able to receive data from V1.600 sensor simulator. So I doubt on Global ANT parameters like ANTPLUS_RF_FREQ, ANTPLUS_NETWORK_NUMBER etc.

Can anybody advice me, how I can get /receive data from Garmin Pedometer on v1.600 ANT+ Display simulator?

Thanks and Regards

Total Posts: 47

Joined 2010-07-08


It appears that you have downloaded the source code for the simulator and re-compiled it yourself to use a network key of { 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 }.

The actual Garmin pedometer uses the ANT+ network key (not the 0x00,0x00â?¦ key). If the network keys of two devices do not match, they cannot communicate. This is why your Garmin pedometer cannot communicate with the simulator.

The installer versions of the simulators have the ANT+ network key embedded. But in the source code, the ANT+ key is intentionally taken out because it not supposed to be publicly available. So if you install the v1.60 simulator from the installer instead of compiling it yourself, this version with also have the key integrated and will be able to talk to your Garmin device. Alternatively, if you are an ANT+ member and know the ANT+ network key, you can add it back into the code yourself and recompile, and everything should work as expected.

The v1.60 sensor simulator WILL talk to v1.5.1 display simulator as long as both versions are compiled with the ANT+ network key.      

Total Posts: 11

Joined 2010-11-22


I am new to ANT and wanted to know about the Simulator you are talking of. I tred to search on the website but i di dnot find it. Can you please let me know where can i get it ? It would be really great.


Total Posts: 47

Joined 2010-07-08


Hi Pavan,

The ANT+ simulators are currently only available to ANT+ Alliance Members. If you / your company is an ANT+ member, you will have a username and password to access to the "ANT+ Alliance Member Zone" on the website, which contains download links for the simulators and source code.
