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Private Network Key - Android Studio


Total Posts: 3

Joined 2020-06-21


I am trying to use the AquireChannels sample app that came with the sdk to learn and to connect to a Garmin LidarLitev4. The LidarLitev4 uses the garmin developer private network key with which I am able to connect to the Lidar using the Antware II program. I am using Android Studio and I am a novice at java programming.
When I try to pass the network key to the AquireChannelOnPrivateNetwork method I am getting a Unhandled exception: com.dsi.ant.channel.UnsupportedFeatureException
Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?

Here is my code.
private NetworkKey mNetworkKey = new NetworkKey(new byte[]{(byte)0xB3, (byte)0xA2, (byte)0x13, (byte)0x43, (byte)0x7D, (byte)0x22, (byte)0xD1, (byte)0x11});

mAntChannel = mAntChannelProvider.acquireChannelOnPrivateNetwork(this, mNetworkKey); <---get unhandled exception

Thanks in advance.      

Total Posts: 745

Joined 2012-09-14


Where did you find that network key?

The issue is most likely because the key you used is different from the official Garmin Developer Network key, which can be found here:

Total Posts: 3

Joined 2020-06-21


Thanks for the reply. You are correct that what I posted was not the Garmin developer key, I was messing around trying different things and had the wrong key in there when I posted. I replaced the key with the correct Garmin developer key and I still have the same issue. I am attaching the java file and screenshot of what I am getting.      

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Total Posts: 3

Joined 2020-06-21


I'm not sure how I missed this before , but I just went back and re-read the "Creating ANT Android Applications..." manual that comes with the SDK.
I found this: Private Networks
This functionality is not currently available in the Android ANT API.

So I wonder if it is possible to program the Garmin LIDARLITE v4 to use a public key..

Total Posts: 4

Joined 2020-11-23


Android loves to swear at unlicensed programs. I recently downloaded an educational book https://freebooksummary.com/the-yellow-wallpaper-setting-13825 in PDF format and my Operating System went crazy. PDF Reader is a standard Google Play program that does not have third-party scripts. I had to use the root settings to open read access to the file.      

Total Posts: 745

Joined 2012-09-14


Which version of the ANT Radio Service do you currently have installed?

The UnsupportedFeatureException is thrown when the ARS version doesn't support the feature being called from the library, in this case the acquireChannelOnPrivateNetwork method. You require at least version 4.4 or higher.      

Total Posts: 1

Joined 2021-02-22



I am on the same way. I am trying to receive measurements from a digital caliper but I can not pass the network key to acquireChannelOnPrivateNetwork method, because it accepts 16 byte network key. My key is only 8 byte.

Modified parts of ChannelService.java:

// Network key declaration
private static final byte[] NETWORK_KEY = new byte[]
{(byte) .....}; // Network Key
private NetworkKey mNetworkKey = new NetworkKey(NETWORK_KEY);


// Try to acquire a private channel with 8 byte Network key
try {
mAntChannel = mAntChannelProvider.acquireChannelOnPrivateNetwork(this, mNetworkKey);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
die("ACP Remote Ex");
catch ( UnsupportedFeatureException e) {
Toast.makeText(this, "Unsupported Feature", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
die("ACP Unsupported Feature Ex");
catch ( IllegalArgumentException e) {
Toast.makeText(this, "ACP Illegal Argument Ex" + e, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
die("ACP Illegal Argument Ex" + e.toString());

I get "IllegalArgumentException: Received network key that is null or has invalid length" when I pass 8 byte Network key.

How can I pass the 8 byte key?



Total Posts: 370

Joined 2012-06-27


Removed private network key from above post.

Believe you are in touch with info at thisisant.com. Will continue there.      


Ian Haigh


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2022-03-25


That network key can be a wrong one?      

Total Posts: 3

Joined 2024-05-22


I also want to know it.